Medical Experts Have Ranked Various Activities with The Risk Level Associated with COVID-19

It seems like we are innundated with the do's and don't's of COVID-19 everywhere we go these days, so what actually IS SAFE?

A group of medical experts looked at various activities (such as getting your mail, going to the gym, eating out, etc) and ranked them by their COVID-19 risk level:

Low Risk:

Activities such as opening your mail, getting takeout (YESSSS!!), and pumping gas have all been deemed 'low risk' by the panel.

Moderate Risk:

You're taking a bit bigger risk if you go to the beach, head to the mall, or send your kids to camp or daycare.

High Risk:

The highest risks to take right now include eating at a buffet, going to a concert, and yes, even going to the gym.

The activities are all rated on a scale of 1-10 to help you decipher how much you could potentially be compromising your health. You can download the whole chart here!!

Moral of the story? We aren't out of the woods quite yet. Be smart, be safe, and let's take care of each other for just a little bit longer so we can all get through this together.