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7-Day graphical tropical weather outlook from the National Hurricane Center. Updated daily at 2AM, 8AM, 2PM, 8PM.
The latest updates from 10 Tampa Bay Weather
Hurricane Francine made landfall drenching Louisiana with rain.
Hurricane Debby made landfall in Florida just before 7 a.m. Monday.
A social media user who goes by the name BBQ Bryan suggested using the app to track where power is available and where it is still out.
Texas and Louisana residents are recovering from the impact of Hurricane Beryl, which made landfall a second time in Texas on Monday.
Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas Monday morning.
10 Tampa Bay's Natalie Ferrari shares a Hurricane Hack about water.
10 Tampa Bay's Grant Gilmore shares a Hurricane Hack about tornados.
10 Tampa Bay's Bobby Deskins shares a Hurrican Hack about pools
10 Tampa Bay's Bobby Deskins shares a Hurricane Hack about your pets.
10 Tampa Bay's Bobby Deskins shares a Hurricane Hack about myths.
10 Tampa Bay's Bobby Deskins shares a Hurricane Hack about food in your refrigerator.
How will you cope? Authorities and mental health professionals offer these tips. There is the rush to prepare, the nervous anticipation, the unsettling period during the storm, the loss of property, scavenging gas, or just living without power for a few days.